Speaking of strawberries, many people find them irresistible. Strawberry desserts are even more delicious. Strawberries and desserts are like the perfect match. Whether they are soaked with milk, lingering with cream, or becoming the brightest ornament on cakes. Desserts made with strawberries are always so inviting. Let's have a look at some strawberry desserts.

1. Strawberry Bomb

The dessert in strawberry season that you can’t miss is a strawberry bomb! Don't be frightened by its name. This is a cake suitable for beginner to make. It doesn't matter if you can't smooth the cream. This cake doesn't need to be very smooth. It's beautiful when adorned with strawberries.

2. Sugarcoated strawberries

Use red strawberries instead of Hawthorn, simply match with bananas and decorate black sesame seeds to make a little doll shape. Then coat them with melted sugar. Sugarcoated strawberries look cute and taste good at the same time.

3. Condensed milk strawberries

Dig a small hole in the strawberries, squeeze condensed milk into them, and put them into the refrigerator. Frozen strawberries are crispy, the sour taste is diluted by condensed milk, and there is a faint milk fragrance. They are more delicious than ice cream. You must have a try!

4. Strawberry cake roll

You can tell that the pink cake roll is delicious just by looking at it. The soft and delicious cake is wrapped with sweet and smooth cream and fresh and juicy strawberries. Each bite is a sweet sensation that will give you great satisfaction!

5. Strawberry Daifuku

The soft waxy and sweet Daifuku skin is wrapped with delicate bean paste and mixed with fresh strawberries. Take a bite you will taste intense flavor on the tip of your tongue.

6. White chocolate strawberry mousse

White chocolate and strawberry double mousse, a layer of white and a layer of pink. You will fall in love at first bite. Even picky eaters will be satisfied, which is perfect! The cream mousse is skillfully combined and has a faint aroma of strawberries.