Summer, with its sunny and energetic atmosphere, is a season many look forward to.

However, it is also when our skin is most vulnerable to damage. Strong UV rays, sweat, and high temperatures can stress the skin and cause various skin problems.

Therefore, summer skincare is essential. Here are some detailed skincare steps and tips to help you keep your skin healthy and radiant throughout the summer months.

1. SPF All Day Long!

The most important step in any skincare routine is sun protection. Sunscreen is essential year-round, but it is especially crucial in the summer when UV rays are at their strongest.

To keep your skin in top condition and prevent premature aging, never skip applying sunscreen. Whether you plan to stay indoors or spend time outdoors, sunscreen is a must!

If you dislike the sticky texture of traditional sunscreens, the good news is that many formulations are available today, so take your time to find one that suits your preference.

It is also important to reapply sunscreen throughout the day, especially if you are outdoors for extended periods. For the best protection, reapply every 3-4 hours.

2. Don’t Forget to Exfoliate

People often avoid exfoliating to prevent irritating sensitive skin. However, proper exfoliation leaves your skin feeling soft and smooth. Dermatologists recommend not over-exfoliating, but completely skipping this step is not advisable either. Exfoliation is essential for removing dirt particles and dead skin cells from your pores.

Neglecting this step can lead to various skin problems, such as breakouts, scars, and inflammation. During summer, increased sweating can cause your pores to become clogged with oil and impurities more quickly. Therefore, remember to exfoliate 1-2 times a week to maintain clear and healthy skin.

3. Moisturize Regularly

Moisturizing is crucial throughout the year. If you can do one thing for your skin, choose your moisturizer wisely. A good moisturizer not only keeps your skin hydrated but also helps control the oil produced by your skin. When your skin absorbs enough moisture, it won't produce excess natural oil to combat dryness.

Even if your skin feels more moisturized than usual during the summer, do not skip the moisturizing step. A well-chosen moisturizer will ensure your skin stays balanced and healthy.

4. Keep Your Skin Hydrated

Dry skin is never a good sign. There are many ways to keep your skin hydrated in the summer. Carry a moisturizing spray in your purse or car as a convenient way to boost hydration, even in 35-degree weather. A quick spritz can give you an instant refreshed feeling!

5. Don’t Over-Moisturize

While it's important to keep your skin hydrated, remember not to overdo it. Over-moisturizing can lead to clogged pores and other skin issues. Stay cool and calm; moisturizing twice a day is sufficient in the summer.

6. The Lighter, the Better!

In the summer, opt for lightweight, oil-free moisturizers. The increased humidity means that rich, thick creams can feel heavy and uncomfortable on your skin.

You are likely to sweat more during outdoor activities, so an oil-free moisturizer will help prevent clogged pores. For a minimalistic approach, choose a moisturizer with an SPF of at least 30 to combine hydration and sun protection.

7. Drink Water

Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! Our bodies are composed of about 70% water, and the more hydrated you are, the better your body functions. Hydrating from within is arguably the most important aspect of skincare.

No matter how many moisturizers you use, nothing beats the natural hydration provided by drinking water. Additionally, staying hydrated can reduce fatigue, and exhaustion, and even improve mental clarity.


Summer skincare requires a comprehensive approach, considering cleansing, moisturizing, sun protection, and more to fully protect your skin from the summer environment.

With a scientific and reasonable skincare routine and meticulous care, you can maintain healthy and glowing skin even in the hottest months. Keep these skincare tips in mind, and let your skin shine this summer!