Milk is one of the favorite foods in people's daily life. It is rich in nutrients and easy to digest and absorb. It is the most ideal natural food. It is believed that milk is the best source of calcium for the human body, so drinking milk is considered to be an effective calcium supplement.

In the morning, drink a cup of warm milk, the silky texture and mellow milk flavor spread in the mouth, warm and intimate. Milk is one of the oldest natural beverages, known as the "white blood" of the human body.

Drinking milk regularly can supplement the nutrients needed by the human body, it can promote the growth of the body, and it can also play a role in calming the mood. The following is a detailed introduction.

1. Promote growth

Milk is a very nutritious drink, it is rich in protein, and all are high-quality protein. These proteins contain 8 kinds of essential amino acids, so it is suitable for young people in the growing period and weak people who need supplementary nutrition to choose milk.

2. Calcium supplement to prevent osteoporosis

Proper drinking milk can prevent osteoporosis, mainly because milk is rich in calcium. It is necessary to know that the content and proportion of various trace elements in milk are close to the minerals required by the human body, and are very easily absorbed by the human body. Therefore, drinking milk every day is a way to supplement calcium.

3. Calm down

Many people should know that milk can calm the mood, mainly because it contains a substance - L-tryptophan, which can be produced in our body to induce melatonin, which is beneficial for people to improve sleep.

Drinking a glass of hot milk half an hour before going to bed can play a role in promoting sleep.

4. Puzzle and brain

Milk is rich in protein and amino acids. If children are malnourished in protein, they will cause mental retardation and be in a sub-healthy state. In addition, glutamate in milk can maintain the excitability of brain activity and is recognized as a brain-boosting substance.

For milk, we should not only drink more, but also drink it in the right way. Milk has many taboos, but people don't care much about it in normal times. Let's introduce it in detail below.

1. Avoid prolonged cooking

For healthy people, drinking normal temperature milk is enough. If you have the habit of drinking hot milk, you can soak it in warm water. Because when the milk is heated to above 70 degrees, some of the proteins and vitamins in it will be denatured and precipitated, which will cause a waste of nutrients to a certain extent.

2. Don't drink ice milk

Milk should not be stored frozen, because freezing will denature the protein in the milk, and the fat will be stratified. After thawing, the protein and fat will precipitate and solidify, which is not conducive to the absorption of the human body, and will greatly reduce the value of the milk.

Therefore, ordinary milk should be stored at room temperature away from light. Do not covet hot drinks or chilled fresh milk.

3. Do not take milk and medicine at the same time

Nutrients such as protein and calcium contained in milk can combine with some metal ions in the drug, which may affect the release of the drug at light level, and may cause poisoning in severe cases. It is recommended not to drink milk within 1-2 hours before and after taking the medicine, let alone take the medicine with milk.

4. Don't drink milk as water

Milk can provide the human body with high-quality protein and calcium, but at the same time, the fat content is not low. If you consume too much, it will cause excess energy. Moreover, excessive protein intake will also increase the burden on the kidneys and other organs. Adults should consume 300 grams of milk or an equivalent amount of dairy products per day.