There is a kind of bird with gorgeous feathers, graceful posture, lively movements, pleasant singing, and small and exquisite. It is called the red-billed acacia. The red-billed acacia is loyal

"Love Birds". It is an object that many flower and bird painters like to depict.

It's the red-billed acacia: a small bird in the genus Acacia, in the family Acacia. Body length 13-16 cm. The mouth is reddish red, the upper body is dark gray-green, the eyes are pale yellow in front and around the eyes, and the ear feathers are light gray or olive gray. The two wings have yellow and red wing spots, the tail is forked, black, the chin and throat are yellow, and the breast is orange-yellow.

Except in pairs or alone during the breeding season, red-billed acacias usually form small groups of 3-5 or more than 10 in other seasons, and sometimes mix with other birds. Bold in nature, they are not very afraid of people. They often shuttle, jump, fly around on the trees or among the shrubs under the forest, and occasionally go to the ground for activities and foraging.

Good singing, especially during the breeding period, the singing is loud and tactful. It mainly feeds on insects such as caterpillars, beetles, and ants. It also eats plant foods such as plant fruits and seeds, and occasionally eats a small amount of crops such as corn.

The male red-billed acacia has olive green forehead, top of head, pillow and upper back with yellow tinge, slightly paler forehead and front of top of head, dark gray olive green on lower back, waist and tail coverts, and paler tail coverts on the longest tail.

Yellow end spots. The tail is forked, glowing black, the outer tail feathers are slightly curved outward, the central tail feathers are dark gray olive green with metallic blue-black end spots, the outer tail feathers and end spots are metallic blue green, and the base of the inner tail is dark gray olive green. The coverts on the wings are also mostly dark olive green, and the flight feathers are dark brown, gradually deepening inward and showing a brilliant black.

This romantic bird is currently mainly found in Bhutan, China, India, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan and Vietnam. Japan, Reunion and the United States, France and Italy. Mainly inhabits mountain evergreen broad-leaved forests, evergreen and deciduous mixed forests, bamboo forests and forest edge sparse forests and shrublands at an altitude of 1200-2800 meters, and sometimes into the bushes near cottages, courtyards and farmland.