The relationship between cats and people is the ideal relationship we have today. The cat is the best companion to accompany this otaku/girl. Cats like to stay at home, be with you, but have their own little space. That is, it accompanies you, but does not interfere with you, and you must respect its space.

It has a certain sense of distance. The cat and the human are at a distance, but the cat must know who is good to it and who is not good to it. It is very sensitive and understands human nature.

How to get along with a cute pet cat and make it a sincere partner in your life? Like humans, it takes time and energy to maintain a relationship with cats.

1. Establish initial trust and communication with cats

When the shoveler is with the cat, remember to yell because it doesn't want to approach, this will scare them (especially the novice shoveler). You can try to call it the name you give it often, and let it form a conditioned reflex to the tone.

2. The cat doesn't move, I don't move

After initial communication and trust, don't take the initiative to attack when you especially want to lick the cat, which will often lead to the cat being forced into a corner reluctantly, making the cat very disgusted. You can try ignoring its presence, and try interacting if the cat chooses and decides to stick.

3. Regular and quantitative feeding, small snacks to assist

Prepare delicious food other than cat food for your cat, such as canned food, freeze-dried and dried small fish, etc. Then pay attention to feeding the cat regularly and quantitatively, give him a healthy and regular eating habit, and also let the cat form the habit of looking for food at the time.

To become a qualified shit shovel officer, take good care of cute and human kittens. You need to step into the world of kittens and learn some cold knowledge about cats.

1. The cat's eye vision range can be observed at a distance of 3 to 4 meters. The dynamic vision of cats is strong, but they are color weak, and their eyes can only see three colors of blue, green and yellow.

2. There are 32 muscles on cat ears, and their ears can rotate 180 degrees to listen to the sound.

3. The surface of the cat's tongue is covered with more than 1,000 teeth and barbs, which can easily cause the cat to lick and inhale too much hair.

4. There are 230 bones in a cat's body, but they are very soft and surprisingly flexible! Many people often say that cats are made of liquid.

5. The thick pads of cats can help them jump and land, and play an excellent buffering role.

6. There are 12 whiskers on each side of the cat's face, and the whiskers will fall off naturally like cat hair.