Tulips are elegant and mysterious, giving people a fresh and refined feeling. In the 16th century, tulips were called "the queen of flowers in the world".

Tulips are suitable for growing in hot and dry summers and wet and cold winters, and generally bloom from March to April every year. The flower language of tulip is "eternal love and blessing", which is suitable for family, friends, lovers and teachers.

1. The story of the tulip

There is a romantic story about tulips in the Netherlands. It is said that in ancient times, there was a beautiful girl who fell in love with three warriors at the same time, one gave her a crown, one gave her a sword, and the other gave her a piece Gold heap.

Because the girl could not bear to hurt any warrior's heart, she had to pray to the Flower God, who turned the crown she was wearing into flowers, the sword she was holding into green leaves, and the gold piles under her feet turned into bulbs, turning her into a flower tulip.

Since then, the story has been passed down, in addition to roses, tulips have also become the best choice to show affection to lovers.

2.How to Grow Tulips

Soil: Tulips prefer humus-rich, well-drained sand or sandy soil, and avoid heavy, low-humidity alluvial. Slightly acidic soil is better. Before planting, it should be ploughed and harrowed to ensure that the quality is loose.

Fertilization: Tulips like fertilizer, and fully decomposed compost is applied as base fertilizer before planting. After the bulbs have two leaves, topdress with thin liquid fertilizer or compound fertilizer 1-2 times, and stop fertilizing during flowering.

Moisture: After the tulips are planted, they should be fully irrigated in the early stage to promote their rooting. After rooting, it will go through a natural low temperature stage. During this period, the soil should be kept moist, but water should be prevented.

Water requirements decrease after germination. During the flowering period, watering should be controlled, and the flowering period should be extended by measures such as shading and rain protection.