Do you have friends who are losing weight? Food choice is also one of the important steps in weight loss. Today I will teach you a classic low-fat food - Mexican Chicken Tacos.

The taste is soft and tender, the ingredients are rich, and most importantly, it is nutritious and low in fat. Definitely the best assistant for weight loss!

The Mexican Chicken Roll is made of lotus leaf cake, drumsticks, lettuce, tomatoes, and onions as the main ingredients, and salad dressing, eggs, and fried chicken powder are the accessories.

Practice one:

Ingredients: lotus leaf cake, chicken thigh, lettuce, tomato, onion, salad dressing, egg, fried chicken powder.

1. Boneless the chicken thighs, and cut the chicken thighs into strips 1cm wide and 4cm long. Shred the onion, slice the tomato, wash the lettuce and drain the water for later use.

2. Put the sliced ​​chicken strips into the beaten egg liquid, coat the egg liquid evenly, then dip in the fried chicken powder and prepare to fry.

3. Take a deep small pot, pour in the oil, when the oil temperature is 80% hot, put in the chicken strips one by one, fry them until golden brown and take out.

4. Pour the water into the steamer at the same time, bring to a boil over high heat, after the water boils, put in the lotus leaf cake and steam for half a minute.

After steaming, place the lotus leaf cakes in a frying pan without oil and fry on the lowest heat until browned on one side.

5. Put the lettuce, chicken strips, shredded onion and tomatoes into the baked lotus leaf cake, squeeze the salad dressing, roll up and eat.

Method two:

Ingredients: Chicken breast, salad dressing, cheese, lettuce, onions, tomatoes, tortillas.

1. Marinate the chicken breast with salt, soy sauce and black pepper 2 hours in advance.

2. Shred the onion, slice the tomato, wash the lettuce and drain the water for later use.

3. Lay the burrito flat on the plate, spread the chicken breast, a spoonful of salad dressing, 2 spoons of cheese, put in an appropriate amount of tomatoes, lettuce, shredded onion, etc., and roll up the tortilla to make it firmer.

4. Prepare a frying pan, drizzle a little oil, and fry the burritos on both sides, about 1-2 minutes per side, until the crust is golden and crispy.

Choose the right amount of food according to the number of people eating. The marinating method in practice 2 can also be changed according to your favorite taste.

Mexican chicken tacos are also loved by young people for their delicious, simple and nutritious features.

Friends who want to lose weight must learn it~