Organic pastures serve as the bedrock for sourcing organic milk, ensuring the safety and integrity of the milk supply. These pastures play a crucial role in differentiating organic ranches from conventional ones.

Spanning between the latitudes of 40° and 50° in the northern and southern hemispheres, numerous regions boast exceptional pastures.

In the northern hemisphere, the "golden milk source belt" encompasses Minnesota, Ireland, the Netherlands, and Normandy in France, along with various regions in the United States. In the southern hemisphere, it includes southern Australia, New Zealand, and the Pampas grassland in Argentina.

Several key distinctions separate organic pastures from conventional ones:

Feeding Method: Organic pastures adhere to the principles of organic agriculture, prioritizing ecological balance and animal welfare. Cows roam freely in organic pastures, offering them ample space for movement. Their diet mainly consists of organic grasses and plants, devoid of chemically synthesized pesticides, fertilizers, or genetically modified crops.

Feed Quality: Cows grazing on organic pastures consume the natural, healthy, and high-quality feed. Certified organic feed must meet stringent standards, ensuring the absence of chemicals, pesticide residues, or genetically modified ingredients. These organic feeds enhance the cows' well-being and contribute to the quality of dairy products.

Soil and Water Conservation: Organic ranches are committed to safeguarding soil and water health. They employ sustainable farming practices, minimizing excessive fertilization and pesticide usage to mitigate environmental impact.

Let's explore some renowned organic ranches worldwide:

Swiss Alps Organic Ranch

With Switzerland predominantly situated in the Alps, the country benefits from pristine water sources and abundant pastures. Natural forests and meadows provide Switzerland with high-quality pastures, 60% of which are natural.

Dairy cows graze freely for over 200 days annually, resulting in an annual raw milk output of approximately 3.3 million tons. Switzerland stands out as a global hub for top-quality milk production and has maintained an impeccable record in food safety regulations.

Normandy Pastures

Situated at the golden latitude of 49 degrees north, Normandy enjoys a favorable climate and boasts mineral-rich soil containing essential trace elements. This region is renowned for its picturesque landscapes, offering a serene ambiance for both relaxation and the production of clean, nutritious dairy products.

The protein content in milk sourced from Normandy cattle surpasses that of other regions. Combined with rigorous scientific management practices, Normandy has earned the reputation of being Europe's premier milk source.

Moreover, 58% of Normandy milk is dedicated to producing the world's renowned and distinctive Camembert cheese, the only product designated by the British royal family. Normandy serves as a crucial source for Synbiotic milk powder production.

Jonisfield Organic Ranch:

Located in Victoria, Australia, Jonisfield Organic Ranch embodies sustainable agriculture principles. The farm places a strong emphasis on animal welfare, enabling cattle to roam freely in their natural environment while being raised organically.

The ranch is dedicated to providing high-quality organic dairy and meat products.

Organic pastures are the cornerstone of organic milk production, differentiating organic ranches from their conventional counterparts. These pastures offer numerous benefits, including organic feed, soil and water conservation, and adherence to ecological and animal welfare principles.

Recognizing the significance of organic ranches, regions such as Switzerland, Normandy, and Jonisfield have become renowned for their exceptional organic milk sources, contributing to the production of clean, nutritious dairy products worldwide.