The forest ecosystem is a crucial component of the Earth's terrestrial ecosystem, which has high biological productivity and biomass and rich biodiversity.

While the global forest area accounts for only 26% of the earth's land area, it stores over 80% of the carbon storage of the entire terrestrial vegetation, making forests vital in maintaining the global carbon balance.

Forests are irreplaceable in the process of global change and may continue to be the Earth's carbon pool in the future. Forest ecosystems are crucial subjects for global change research, and they provide an essential ecological way for humans to maintain the global ecosystem.

Forests play a crucial role in the carbon cycle, and moderate forest areas can ensure the carbon cycle and maintain the diversity of the forest ecosystem.

The increasing greenhouse effect caused by human activities and global climate change are attracting more and more attention. As a crucial component of the global terrestrial ecosystem, the response of forests to future climate change is the focus of people's attention.

In recent years, due to rapid industrialization, the environment has been significantly damaged. The general warming of the global climate has seriously affected the balanced development of the ecosystem, and the impact of climate change on forest ecosystems is very important.

Since the 19th century, human activities and carbon emissions have led to severe global warming, with the global average temperature rising by 0.8 to 1.3°C. And under current carbon emissions, it will increase by 2.1 to 3.5°C by the end of this century.

The lack of control over the emission of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide has caused global warming, which has increasingly affected people's daily lives. Forests have become crucial in the purification of greenhouse gases.

Forests can absorb greenhouse gases, but conversely, the rise in temperature caused by greenhouse gases can also affect the growth of forests.

Forests provide various ecological services, such as water conservation, soil conservation, and natural disaster prevention. They also have economic value, providing timber, forest products, medicinal materials, and tourism resources, attracting a large number of tourists to experience the beauty of nature.

Therefore, the protection and sustainable use of forest ecosystems are of great significance to human economic and social development.

However, due to the impact of human activities, global forests are facing serious challenges. Deforestation, forest fires, and climate change have all had serious impacts on forest ecosystems.

Protecting forest ecosystems, maintaining ecological balance, and promoting sustainable utilization are long-term and arduous tasks. Global cooperation and efforts are necessary to ensure that future generations can also enjoy the ecological services and economic value that forests provide.

Forests play a vital role in maintaining the Earth's terrestrial ecosystem, and their impact on the carbon cycle is critical in the face of global climate change. Forests provide numerous ecological services and economic values, making their protection and sustainable utilization essential.

Protecting forest ecosystems requires concerted global efforts and cooperation, and it is vital to ensure that future generations can benefit from the ecological services and economic values that forests provide.