"It is not enough just to live, you need sunshine, freedom, and a little fragrance of flowers."

This quote comes from the Danish writer Hans Andersen, who, in the 19th century, enshrined his philosophy of life in the fairy tales that have been passed down from generation to generation under his pen.

The Scandinavian way of life is like a fairy tale. They either go home to enjoy dinner after work at four o'clock, or drive out of the city and plunge into nature, to the lake or the mountains, waiting to see the sunset, boating, climbing, or rock climbing at will ...... They do not talk to you about money, status, or the prestigious schools you have attended.

The Nordic people often hang on to the word "quality of life".

Unlike heavy makeup, the Scandinavian style is simple and practical, emphasizing unity in both form and function. Even the design of a chair not only seeks stylistic beauty but also focuses on the human body structure to ensure that it is coordinated with the human body for maximum comfort.

The Scandinavian style is often light in color, with black and white tones used to create a spacious interior that allows for natural light to enter the space.

1. No Carpet as Decoration

Scandinavian home decor styles cover a variety of design approaches. While some may think that Scandinavian-style homes use a lot of carpets, this is not the case. Carpets are not a popular element in the Scandinavian style and are only occasionally used to soften the atmosphere, such as with animal skins. The Scandinavian style prefers wood flooring, especially light-colored flooring.

2. Soft and Bright Colors

Due to its high latitude, Scandinavia has long, dark winters, so Scandinavian interiors are usually white to allow for as much natural light as possible. The use of color helps to keep the entire space uniform, even, and bright.

3. Wooden Elements Everywhere

Wood elements can be seen everywhere in Scandinavian-style design, whether it's floor decorations, wall decorations, cabinets, or toys. Light-colored woods such as beech, ash, and pine are commonly used in Scandinavian design to match the overall bright environment of the space.

4. Clear and Simple Lines

In the Scandinavian style, there is little ornate decoration. Most of the design is done in straight lines that are smooth and simple, with a shape that is pure and unadorned. Such lines enclose the outline of the overall framework, which is one of the most significant features of the Scandinavian style.

5. Simple Space Arrangement

Traditionally, many Scandinavian homes were small and did not allow for much in the way of furnishings. Although houses are now being built larger, the idea of keeping the home decor simple has remained the main focus of the Scandinavian style.

6. Minimalist Decorative Highlights

The premise of keeping a space tidy is to keep decorations to a minimum rather than cluttering the space. Simplicity is not the same as minimalism, however, and there are still some focal points that will be highlighted. Blank walls and empty spaces will be allowed to remain.

7. Maximize Natural Light

In Nordic countries, where the sun is not visible for most of the year, natural light is extremely precious. Therefore, it is used to the maximum. Windows are treated transparently or translucently, allowing as much light as possible to enter the room.

8. Comfortable Textiles

Scandinavian designs may not be decorated with many blankets or pillows, but they do have textiles that provide insulation and comfort while also adding texture to the room.