Saury, also known as Pacific saury or mackerel pike, is a species of fish that is widely distributed in the North Pacific Ocean and is highly sought after for its unique taste and texture.

With its dark grayish-blue dorsal and upper lateral surfaces, and silvery-white ventral surface, the saury stands out as a unique species of fish that is both visually appealing and nutritionally beneficial.

One of the most popular ways to prepare saury is through the cooking method of kabayaki, a type of teriyaki that involves grilling the fish on bamboo skewers and drizzling it with a flavorful sauce. This cooking method is especially popular in Japan, where the fish is often served in the Kamaboko style, which is both delicious and nutritious.

The Kamaboko style of cooking involves first washing the fish and removing its head, tail, and bones. The flesh is then dipped in tahini powder and fried until both sides are cooked and colored. Next, the fish is added to a pan with kabayaki sauce and ginger paste and cooked until slightly dry.

The result is a delicious dish that is rich in unsaturated fatty acids, which are beneficial for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular health.

It is important to note that saury has a unique biology, with no stomach and a short intestine. This means that the ingested bait is basically digested and expelled from the body in about 20 minutes, making the internal organs of the fish edible.

In Japan, the guts of grilled saury are considered a delicacy and are never removed, as the bitter taste of the guts is considered the essence of saury.

Saury is a delicious and nutritious fish that can be prepared and cooked in a variety of ways, with kabayaki and the Kamaboko style being two of the most popular.

It is found in the North Pacific Ocean and is known for its unique taste, rich in unsaturated fatty acids, and visually appealing appearance. The next time you are looking for a new and exciting fish dish to try, consider saury and its many cooking possibilities.

Another interesting fact about saury is that it is a seasonal fish, typically caught between late summer and early fall. During this time, large schools of saury move into shallow waters to feed, making it easier for fishermen to harvest them.

In Japan, saury is considered a special treat during the fall season and is enjoyed in various dishes such as saury sushi, saury porridge, and saury soup.

Additionally, saury has a long history of cultural significance in many East Asian countries. In Japan, for example, saury has been a staple food for over a thousand years and is considered a symbol of good luck and fortune. It is also used in many traditional festivals and celebrations.

When it comes to cooking saury, there are a few key things to keep in mind. First, it is important to choose fresh saury that has firm flesh and vibrant color. The fish should also have a pleasant, ocean-like aroma. Additionally, it is important to cook the saury properly to preserve its flavor and nutrients. This can be done by grilling, roasting, or pan-frying the fish.