The sweet and sour passion fruit is the favorite of many people. It is the "King of Juice" because the pulp juice exudes a variety of fruit aromas and is rich in nutrition. It is not only sweet and sour but also good for your health!

When it comes to passion fruit, do you think its sweet and sour fragrance makes your mouth water? Before the end of the production season, go to the fruit store and buy a large box of passion fruit!

What is so great about this passion fruit?

Passion fruit is known as the "King of Juice". Its golden color comes from "flavonoids", which have a good anti-inflammatory effect and can improve allergies and periodontitis. Passion fruit is also rich in vitamins B, and C, folic acid, and more Phenols can maintain blood vessels, unblock blood, improve iron absorption, improve anemia, prevent arteriosclerosis, and have anti-aging and anti-cancer effects!

Stress: Pantothenic acid can help maintain blood sugar balance and energy supply, helping relaxation and sleep. In addition, amino acids help eliminate fatigue.

Vision: Vitamin A and beta carotene can help the eyes adapt to light, and prevent dry eye syndrome, macular degeneration, and other problems.

Intestinal cleansing and cellulite reduction: Dietary fiber helps clean the stomach, discharge waste, maintain the balance of intestinal bacteria, etc.

Relieve allergies: beta carotene has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, and is also helpful for improving allergies.

Low GI: The article reviewed by Katherine Marengo, a clinical registered dietitian in New Orleans, USA, pointed out that passion fruit has a low GI value and is not easy to cause a rapid rise in blood sugar, so it is also a high-quality fruit choice for diabetic patients.

Other small studies believe that the substance piceatannol in passion fruit may help promote metabolic function and improve insulin sensitivity.

Increase immunity: Passion fruit is rich in vitamin C and β-carotene, both of which can assist in anti-oxidation and protect the human body from damage caused by free radicals.

Stability of nerves: The iron contained in passion fruit can help stabilize nerves and improve brain cognition. Magnesium has a calming effect on nerves and can inhibit anxiety.

Tips at the end of the article: Passion fruit seeds are edible, but don’t eat too much at one time, as it will affect gastrointestinal digestion.

It contains high nutritional content, and proper consumption can supplement nutrition for the body. It tastes very sour, and many people can't bear it.

You can add some honey or squeeze it into juice to drink. It has a certain beauty effect. In addition, its seeds can also be used to extract oil, which can lower blood pressure.