Bananas taste sweet and are affordable and convenient to eat. Even convenience supermarkets can easily buy them. They are the fruit that many people like to eat in their daily lives. At the same time, if you have people who like fitness and sports around you, you may also be observed that many athletes also eat a few bananas to replenish their energy before playing a game.

Bananas can clear heat and moisten the intestines and promote gastrointestinal motility. In summer, people are more likely to be irritable and angry, and bananas can also ease tension, improve work efficiency, and reduce fatigue.

But does this mean that a banana is high in calories? Eating too much makes you fat? In fact, according to the Food and Drug Administration's Food Nutrients Database, 100g of bananas are about 85 calories, contain 18g of carbohydrates, 1.5g of protein, 1.6g of dietary fiber, and are rich in minerals and vitamins such as potassium, magnesium, and calcium.

Eating bananas directly may seem monotonous, and sometimes you can’t finish it if you buy too much, so why don’t you try these delicious banana desserts, which will bring different little surprises to life.

How to Make Banana Muffins:


one banana

70 grams of milk

Low gluten flour 80g

egg one

a little oatmeal crunch

a little desiccated coconut

1. Prepare the required materials, and try to choose ripe bananas.

2. Peel the bananas and break them into small pieces, put them in a cup, and pour in the milk.

3. Pour in the low-gluten flour, then add the eggs.

4. Start the cooking machine and beat the ingredients into a fine batter.

5. The pan does not need to be oiled, choose the fried egg mode, and pour the batter from a slightly higher place, so that the shape will be more rounded.

6. Fry until there are more small air holes on the surface, then turn over.

7. Turn over and fry for another minute or so.

8. Sprinkle a little oatmeal and shredded coconut, or pour yogurt or honey fruit according to your own taste.

Caramel Stewed Milk Bananas:

1. Beat the egg yolks and set aside; add sugar to the milk, heat on low heat until the sugar is completely dissolved, and turn off the heat.

2. When the temperature of the milk drops to a slight temperature, pour the beaten egg yolk into the milk and mix well

3. After sieving the mixed egg custard, pour it into the container

4. Cover with aluminum foil and put it in the pot, put 1/2 cup of water under it, do not seal the lid, heat, and steam through the water, after the switch of the electric cooker jumps, cover the lid and simmer for another 3 minutes.

5. After the caramel liquid is stewed and the milk cools, place some banana slices, then put the brown sugar into the pot, cook on low heat until the sugar melts into a liquid (do not stir), then pour it on the bananas according to your preference.

6. If you like a more milky fragrance, you can add some fresh cream to the egg custard according to your personal preference.

Nostalgic Banana Cake

1. Method of cake flour: Put 30 grams of glutinous rice flour in a pot, and stir fry the glutinous rice flour with low heat for a few minutes.

2. Mix 150 grams of glutinous rice flour with rice flour and sugar, then add warm water and mix well until there is no powder. Then add bananas and mix well

3. Coat a thin layer of oil on the steaming tray, pour in the slurry, and steam for about 20 minutes over high heat.

4. Sprinkle the cake flour from step 1 on the table, and put on the steamed dough.

5. Put a piece of butter paper on it and roll it out.

6. Then roll it into a round strip, then cut it and serve.