A great camping trip starts with choosing a great camping spot. Magnificent scenery, stunning landforms, and pleasant climate are the three elements of an ideal destination. Here's a list of the top camping sites around the world.

1. Saher Glacier, Washington, USA

Saher Glacier is one of the best backcountry campgrounds in the U.S. National Park System.

The campground is set among rock faces at the foot of the Saher Glacier at an altitude of 7,000 feet, hidden in the mountains and accessible only by a trek through North Cascades National Park.

Crossing the sub-alpine meadows and bare rock trails, you come to the foot of the spectacular Sacher Glacier, facing the wide and rolling precipitous glacial landforms, and when the weather is clear, you can see the crystal clear Rainier Snow Peak in the distance.

To camp here, in addition to the necessary equipment such as ice axes and spikes, the most important thing is to apply for a permit in advance. But it's worth the hassle to get a panoramic view of the national park.

2. Corcovado National Park, Costa Rica

Corcovado National Park claims to be the most biodiverse place on Earth - more than 500 species of trees, 220 species of butterflies and more bird species than all of North America combined.

Walking on the beach, you can see scarlet macaws flying overhead, pelicans rolling in the waves, long-nosed raccoons catching crabs, and monkeys roaring in the rainforest. The park is quite a bit like "a garden with uneven climate".

Animals and plants consciously and spontaneously form 13 independent small spaces, each with its own scenery and characteristics. You can dive in waterfalls, swim and stretch on the beach. There are more surprises, only you will know when you go.

3. German Forest Rope Park

If you want something different, "tree bag camping" will be your best choice. Campers can hang their tents from tree branches in the Hercolucci Forest Rope Park in the German section of the Alps. It seems counterintuitive, but it is actually more convenient than regular tents and can be set up without any tools.

In this way, campers have "nests" in the trees, just like birds and insects in nature. Hanging on a tree, sleeping in a bag, there is no real sense of being on the ground. In addition to the excitement, you will also get a unique view: accompanied by the leaves, overlooking the distant mountains of the Austrian border.

4. Zakynthos, Greece

If you're more inclined to camp on the beach than in the forest, check out Taltaruga, Greece. It's a fantastic location: camping on a patio surrounded by 700 olive trees, with views of Laganas Bay when you open your tent.

You can dive with loggerhead sea turtles swimming on nearby beaches, and enjoy a meal at any of the small restaurants, where ingredients are generally caught and picked just in time by fishermen and farmers that day. At night, you can fall asleep to the sound of cicadas and the starry sky.

This is not the scenery in your dreams, this is the beauty that really exists, you just need to pack your bags and take a step to find it bravely!

5. Mount Semen, Ethiopia

Semen Mountains National Park is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is also Ethiopia's most famous trekking destination. Grassland sand, cliffs, the scenery here is desolate and attractive. Many wild animals live here, and when they come out of their tents in the early morning, they may encounter monkeys, Ethiopian wolves, and rare birds.

It should be noted that there are not only rare animals but also rare plants here. If you come across a plant with large leaves, thorns, and a lot of yellow fruit, stay away from it - it's poisonous!