Succulent potted plants have surged in popularity for good reason.

Their striking, often geometric forms and striking colors add a unique touch to any space, and their care requirements are minimal, making them perfect for both seasoned gardeners and novices alike.

If you’re thinking of adding succulents to your home or office, here’s a comprehensive guide on how to plant, care for, and place these charming plants.

Planting Succulents

To start, choose the right container for your succulent. Opt for pots with drainage holes to prevent water from accumulating at the bottom, which can lead to root rot. You can find a wide range of materials for pots, from terracotta to ceramic, but ensure whatever you choose allows excess water to escape.

Next, select a well-draining soil mix. Regular potting soil retains too much moisture, which isn’t ideal for succulents. Instead, use a cactus or succulent mix, or create your own by mixing regular potting soil with sand or perlite to improve drainage. Fill the pot with the mixture, leaving a bit of space at the top for watering.

When planting, gently remove your succulent from its nursery container and place it in the new pot. Hold the plant upright and fill around it with soil, pressing lightly to secure it. Avoid covering the plant’s base with soil, as this can cause the stem to rot.

Succulent Tips for Beginners // Garden Answer

Video by Garden Answer

Daily Care

Succulents are relatively low-maintenance, but they do have specific needs. Watering is crucial, but it’s easy to overdo it. A good rule of thumb is to let the soil dry out completely between waterings. During the growing season (spring and summer), water your succulent thoroughly but less frequently. In the winter, reduce watering as the plant's growth slows.

When you water, do so thoroughly until water drains from the bottom of the pot. This ensures the roots are getting enough moisture. Avoid misting the plant, as succulents prefer dry conditions.


Succulents thrive in bright, indirect light. A south-facing window is ideal, but they can also adapt to east or west-facing windows. If natural light is limited, consider using a grow light to supplement their needs. However, avoid placing them in direct, intense sunlight for long periods, as this can lead to sunburn and discoloration.

Temperature-wise, succulents prefer a range between 60-80°F (15-27°C). They are not frost-tolerant, so keep them away from drafty windows or areas where temperatures may drop significantly.

Additional Tips

Regularly check for signs of pests or disease. Common issues include mealybugs and fungus gnats. If you notice any pests, address them promptly using appropriate treatments.

Repot your succulents every 2-3 years to refresh the soil and give the plant more room to grow. Choose a pot only slightly larger than the current one to avoid excessive moisture retention.

Lykkers, succulent potted plants offer both beauty and ease of care. By following these guidelines on planting, daily care, and placement, you can ensure that your succulents not only survive but thrive, adding a touch of green to your living space for years to come.