The most common pets today are dogs and cats. Although there are more and more other pets, dogs and cats are still the most common. So, why are cats suitable as pets? The following reasons are the key points.

1. The fate between man and cat has been established a long time ago

Thousands of years ago, cats established a cooperative relationship with humans through their hunting skills. Humans give it some food, water and safe shelter, and it helps humans catch mice.

Today, however, the relationship between humans and cats has changed. Cats become pets (friends, family members, companions, etc.). Human beings raise and take care of it, and it accompanies human beings and helps them heal their souls. It invests dependence and trust in humans, and humans give it love and affection.

2. The cat is quiet

If noise is an issue in your living environment, a cat is the perfect pet choice.

Even the quietest dog bark can be much louder than the loudest meow. Depending on the cat, you may need to worry about other sounds, such as knocking objects off the ground or running around at top speed. But they could be quieter overall.

3. Cats live a long life

As any pet owner knows, losing a pet can truly be a heartbreaking experience. Fortunately, when it comes to household pets, cats have a pretty long life expectancy. The average lifespan of cats is 12 years, but it's not uncommon for them to live into their teens or even early twenties.

4. Cat care is cheap

Cats are low-maintenance pets compared to dogs. They don't require formal training, they don't need to be outside multiple times a day, and they can even do basic self-cleaning.

Cats are essentially self-cleaning machines. You may want to brush him every once in a while and trim his nails as needed. But other than that, cats do a pretty good job of keeping themselves clean.

5. Cats make great apartment pets

When it comes to pets in apartments, cats are usually better suited than dogs. Cats require less space and can make better use of vertical space than dogs. Even in small apartments, you can provide cats with a comfortable space by adding different vertical heights.

6. Cats can heal humans

Presumably many of us humans reproduce in such a rapidly developing society today, we can often find all kinds of kittens on some video platforms. They heal humans.

Many human beings will feel great satisfaction in their hearts when raising cats and feel that they are no longer as lonely and lonely as they used to be.

7. Cats are good for your health

Research has shown that cats have a calming effect on their owners, from the soothing effect of petting to the purring that helps them fall asleep.

Cats may even lower your blood pressure and heart attack risk. A 10-year study even showed that cat owners were 30% less likely to die from a heart attack or stroke than non-cat owners.