Spring is the season for the recovery of all things. Many flowers bloom in spring. Let's take a look at which flowers bloom in spring!

First up is the iris. Iris, also known as blue, purple butterfly, flat bamboo flower, etc., Its fragrance is elegant and can be used to make perfume; the roots and stems of flowers can be used as traditional Chinese medicine, which has the effect of anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving. It blooms in spring, the flowering period is about three months, and it is available for viewing from April to June.

Next is Magnolia. Magnolia, also known as Magnolia, Magnolia, etc., is an evergreen tree up to 17 meters high . At present, it has a cultivation history of about 2,500 years and is a valuable ornamental tree in the garden. Magnolia also blooms in spring. Many people like to cultivate it because it is white as jade, crystal clear, blossoms upward when it opens, and is full of fragrance.

The third is Clivia. Clivia is also known as Sword Leaf Lycoris and Big Leaf Lycoris. The flowering period is as long as 30-50 days, mainly in winter and spring. It usually blooms around New Year's Day to the Spring Festival. Its lifespan can reach several decades or longer, and the flowers are very beautiful. In addition, Clivia also has the flower language of "noble", "precious and rich". In China, it is a kind of flower with noble character, standing implicitly.

Lastly, the Calendula officinalis. Calendula officinalis, also known as calendula officinalis, can be used in ancient times as medicines, dyes, making cosmetics and other purposes; of course, it can also be eaten directly, because calendula officinalis is rich in vitamins, so it has many benefits to people's health , has the effect of clearing away heat and detoxification, promoting blood circulation and regulating menstruation. Indications of otitis media, irregular menstruation embolism. Annual or over-annual herbs, like light, not strict on soil, can grow well in arid, loose and fertile alkaline soil, resistant to barren, often used in flower beds. Calendula officinalis is both a folk medicine and an international traditional medicine. Its resources are very rich, and it is widely used in medicine, light industry, cosmetics, food and horticulture industries.