Solo travel is something everyone should try at some point in their life. There's no better way to get to know who you are as a person than by spending time with yourself away from the distractions of life.Solo travel, couple travel, and travel with friends all have their pros and cons .

Let's take a look at the pros and cons of traveling alone.

1.Personal Growth

One benefit of solo travel is that it forces you to become independent, make decisions, and step out of your comfort zone on a regular basis—something you wouldn't necessarily do if you weren't traveling alone.

When you travel solo, you have nobody to rely on but yourself, and that pushes you to learn how to function in the world. It's sink-or-swim time! If something goes wrong, it's down to you to figure out how to get out of the situation.

2.Setting Your Own Schedule

Another great benefit to solo travel is not having to compromise on your travels. You can wake up whenever you want, eat whatever you want, decide to have a lazy day, or choose to go on a 12-hour hike.

When you're traveling solo, you can be selfish and change your mind every few days and not have to consult anybody else.

3.Meeting People and Building Confidence

One of the biggest benefits of solo travel is how easy it is to meet people on the road. All you need to do is wander into a hostel common room and within minutes, someone will strike up a conversation with you—it really is that easy!

You'll also find that when traveling solo, you're much more approachable than when you're in a couple or a group.

A lot of travelers will assume that if you're already in a group, you don't want to be disturbed, and will turn to the solo traveler almost every time.

Of course, there are also downsides to traveling alone, such as feeling lonely and insecure.

1. You cannot share your excitement

Traveling solo comes with good and, well, not-so-good sides. One of them is that you cannot share your excitement over the country you’re visiting. When you see something beautiful, you want to share it with your friends, but they can't really appreciate it.

There is something special in the joined experience you get while traveling in pairs. There is something about making memories together you get to retell in the years that come. And that’s simply impossible if you’re traveling solo.

2.There’s nobody to help you out

If you don’t feel like you’re up for a self-revelation journey that will make you a more confident person then traveling solo might be a problem. Traveling to a foreign country might be stressful if you’re a solo traveler.

And being in a problem in an unknown place, surrounded by the people who don’t speak your language.This is just too much for some people. The ones who cringed only by reading this should definitely consider if traveling solo is the right thing to do.

To reduce the loneliness of traveling alone, all you need to do is connect with others, and it would be a pleasant surprise to meet new people.


It means the same things in every language. It means you are happy, friendly, approachable, kind. A smile opens many conversations.

2.Learn a few words in the local language

Making an effort to communicate in the local language is always appreciated and often returned with an effort to communicate in your language.

3.Go to a local, independent coffee shop

Look for coffee shops with large communal tables or coffee bars along the window and sit near someone.

4.Stay at places that encourage talking

Hostels and B&Bs are the ideal accommodation for those who travel alone. With fewer guests and the proprietor often onsite, common rooms and communal dining rooms, they make for more opportunities to connect with others.