Egg waffles are a type of street food that is often underestimated in terms of hygiene and nutrition. However, this is not the case for egg waffles. Not only are they delicious, but they also have high nutritional value. Egg waffles are typically made from honey, eggs, flour, and milk.

The egg waffle has a golden appearance and smells like cake. Additionally, it is hollow in the middle, and its texture is soft and glutinous. When you bite into it, it is especially elastic.

There are also various flavors of egg waffles, including honey, original, milk, meat floss, and more. They can be enjoyed both cold and hot, but the flavor is better when consumed hot. The aroma of the hot egg waffle is more captivating, and it is softer.

The nutritional value of egg waffles mainly comes from eggs and milk. When combined, they double the nutritional value. Let's take a closer look at the nutritional value of egg waffles.

1. Beauty

Eggs contain essential micronutrients like iron, copper, and vitamin A, which have cosmetic properties that keep skin smooth and plump. If you want smooth skin, you can eat egg waffles to help supplement your iron intake.

2. Repair Liver Function

The protein in egg yolk has a repairing effect on liver tissue damage, and lecithin promotes the regeneration of liver cells. Egg waffles can also increase the amount of human plasma protein, and enhance the body's metabolic function, and immune function.

3. Enhance Memory

Egg waffles are excellent brain-enhancing food. Regular consumption can enhance memory and prevent memory decline in the elderly. Among them, iodine, zinc, and lecithin can significantly improve the working efficiency of the brain.

4. Anti-Cancer

Egg waffles contain trace elements such as selenium, zinc, vitamin A, and vitamin B2, which have anti-cancer effects. Eggs are rich in lecithin, which can prevent the deposition of cholesterol and fat in the blood vessel wall.

Making egg waffles is simple and requires minimal ingredients. Here is a brief overview of the preparation method.


80g white sugar

100g eggs

100g water

50g corn oil

140g low-gluten flour

20g cornstarch

4g baking powder


1. Sieve low-gluten flour, cornstarch, and baking powder in advance.

2. Crack the eggs into a large bowl, add the sugar, and beat them with an egg beater.

3. Pour the water into the beaten egg mixture and beat well with an egg beater.

4. Add the corn oil and continue beating with egg yolks.

5. Pour the powder from step 1 into the mixture one at a time, mixing well with egg yolks, and let it stand for 15 minutes.

6. Preheat the egg waffle mold on the gas stove and brush it with a layer of oil.

7. Use a spoon to scoop an appropriate amount of egg batter into the mold's groove and fill it up.

8. After closing the mold, turn it over and heat it for 30 seconds.

9. Turn over and bake for 1-3 minutes, then bake for another 1-3 minutes on the other side.

10. Take it out after turning off the heat. If you prefer to roll it up and eat it, roll it while it is still hot.

In summary, egg waffles are a type of street food that is not only delicious but also has high nutritional value. They are easy to prepare and have a variety of flavors to choose from.

They are an excellent source of important micronutrients such as iron, copper, and vitamin A, which have cosmetic properties and keep the skin smooth and plump. They also contain protein that can repair liver tissue damage and promote the regeneration of liver cells.